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Nottingham Secondary Academy

Academy Vision

At Nottingham Academy, our vision is to 'Lead learning to transform lives and enable communities.'

We believe that education is the key to unlocking potential and fostering positive change in the world. Our commitment to delivering 'Exceptional provision for exceptional learners' drives everything we do, ensuring that each student is supported, challenged, and inspired to achieve their personal best. By cultivating a dynamic and inclusive learning environment, we empower our students to succeed and make a lasting impact within their communities.

Transforming Lives:

At Nottingham Academy, we believe that every individual matters, and we are committed to ensuring that all members of our community experience a high quality of life both within the academy and beyond.

  • We set high expectations for ourselves and others, adopting a 'whatever it takes' approach to ensure success through quality-first teaching and targeted interventions.
  • We aim to develop conscientious learners who value diversity, demonstrate integrity, and become responsible citizens. Through positive relationships, consistent practices, role modeling, and fostering emotional intelligence, we guide students towards these goals.
  • Our commitment to inclusive practices, academic excellence, and enrichment opportunities ensures that our learners are prepared for happy, fulfilling, and successful adult lives.

Enabling Communities:

We are dedicated to fostering community development and ensuring the success of community cohesion.

  • Nottingham Academy stands as a beacon of aspiration for learners within our local area, recognised as the first choice for education due to excellent academic outcomes and exemplary student behaviour both in and outside the academy.
  • We are committed to working in partnership to combat poverty and social injustice, aiming to raise aspirations for all students and closing gaps in opportunity. This includes working closely with hard-to-reach parents and carers, as well as engaging in charitable activities.
  • We actively embrace opportunities to enhance community cohesion at local, national, and global levels, embedding inclusive practices throughout our curriculum and daily SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural) activities.

Respect Values

Our Academy vision is underpinned by three respect statements...

Respect Yourself 

Take pride in being a responsible, aspirational and ambitious person. Demonstrate honesty and integrity in all aspects of your life, Make a positive contribution to your own learning, our Academy and our community.

Respect Each Other 

Treat others as you would expect to be treated yourself. Ensure you are polite, sensitive, thoughtful and caring. Communicate in a positive way: in person and in the digital world. Work with others to support their learning and make a positive contribution to our Academy and community. 

Respect Our Environment and Community 

Value our academy community by respecting our learning environment and property. Keep Nottingham Academy a safe, welcoming and inspirational place to work and learn.