Our Curriculum at Nottingham Academy
At Nottingham Academy, our curriculum offers a broad and balanced range of subjects, designed to develop academic excellence and provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary for future success. Our subjects are underpinned by a commitment to personal development, critical thinking, and fostering a passion for learning.
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The Nottingham Academy Curriculum
For further online support when researching upcoming topics, reading ahead or reinforcing what has been taught in class please visit the websites that can be found here.
Academic Curriculum - Striving for excellence in critical thinking, knowledge and qualifications
- Our Academic Curriculum is broad & balanced and centred around the National Curriculum.
- We aim to provide an ambitious, innovative and stimulating curriculum for all
- We teach the best that has been thought, said and written.
- The Academic Curriculum is knowledge rich and includes disciplinary knowledge (understanding about how knowledge is established, verified and revised) and substantive knowledge (Content that is taught as fact) within each area of study.
- The Academic Curriculum provides students with a secure foundation on which to continue into Further Education, Higher Education and into apprenticeships and careers of their choice.
Character Curriculum - Developing Character and self belief that unlocks the potential in everyone.
- Our Character Curriculum develops students’ strength of character and enables them to become empathetic, resilient and independent.
- The Character curriculum is explicit and implicit and underpins all educational activities at Nottingham Academy
- The Character Curriculum aims to develop
- -Resilience / Self-confidence / Emotional wellbeing / Self-motivation / Leadership skills / Team working / Wider participation / Creativity
- It offers opportunities to exercise initiative and responsibility for learning and decision-making, promoting the academy values of respect for yourself, respect for each other and respect for our environment and community.

Opportunity Charter - Develop social mobility and give every student freedom of choice through their lives
- The Opportunities Charter is a co-curriculum model that refers to the activities and learning experiences that take place in school alongside the academic and character curriculum.
- The charter supports academic enrichment, stimulates intellectual curiosity and enhances academic development.
- It promotes success in a wide range of extra-curricular activities to enable students to discover and develop lifelong interests and talents. Arts, Sports (Cultural Capital)
- The Opportunities Charter helps students to learn about themselves and develop and use their skills and knowledge in different contexts

Personal Development
Keeping Students Healthy and Safe
- PSHE / SRE provides students opportunities to consider and evaluate knowledge, attitudes and beliefs and develop the skills and understanding necessary for them to be positive, responsible and healthy members of society.
- Anti-bullying and Equality and Diversity programmes provide a strong foundation for all aspects of the academic curriculum.
Preparing students for life in Modern Britain
- The Character Curriculum is underpinned by Fundamental British values
- Intentionally grows young people’s sense of belonging to the city of Nottingham and local community
Providing an advantage to the disadvantaged
- A 'Routes to Employment' model supports students in making informed subject choices which support future career aspirations. (Skills Builder)
- Every student is provided high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their futures.
- Vocational links are embedded into schemes of learning and provide careers conversation discussion points for students.