Statutory Information
The information on this page follows the Department for Education's guidance for what academies must or should publish online. It acts as a contents page to help you easily navigate to statutory information that is on our website or Greenwood Academies Trust's website.
Admission Arrangements
Our admissions arrangements can be found here.
Annual Reports and Accounts
The annual reports and accounts for Greenwood Academies Trust can be found here.
Behaviour Policy
Careers Programme Information
Information about our careers programme can be found here.
Charging and Remissions Policy
The Trust-wide policy for charging and remissions can be found here.
Complaints Policy
The Trust-wide complaints policy and procedure can be found here.
Contact Details
Our contact details can be found here.
Information about our curriculum can be found on the curriculum pages here, including:
- our policy on relationships education
- the content of the curriculum in each academic year for every subject
- information to make parents and carers aware they have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE
- how parents, carers or other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum
- our music development plan
- our key stage 4 courses, including GCSEs
- 16 to 19 qualifications that we offer
- our accessibility plan that sets out how we will increase the extent to which disabled pupils participate in the curriculum
Ethos and Values
Our ethos and values can be found here.
Executive Pay
Information about executive pay at Greenwood Academies Trust can be found here.
Governance Information
Our governance information can be found here.
Ofsted Reports
Our most recent Ofsted report can be found here.
Pay Gap Reporting
The latest pay gap report for Greenwood Academies Trust can be found here.
Public Sector Equality Duty
Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium
Information about pupil premium and recovery premium can be found here.
School Opening Hours
Our school opening hours can be found here.
School Uniform
Information about our school uniform can be found here.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can be found here.
Test, Exam and Assessment Results
Our performance data can be found here, including:
- a link to the compare school and college performance service and own performance measures page on it
- our most recent key stage 4 results, as published by the Secretary of State
- our most recent 16 to 18 performance measures, as published by the Secretary of State