Trust Policies
Click here for all trust policies
If you would like to request a copy of any of our policies and procedures, please contact the Academy office on 0115 748 3380 or email adming@nottinghamacademy.org and the staff will be pleased to send you a copy.
For site-specific policies please see the links below.
Nottingham Academy and The Greenwood Academies Trust takes very seriously any concern or complaint about the education or other services we provide or about the conduct of our staff.
We believe that by tackling concerns at the earliest possible stage it allows us to improve relationships, enhance learning, prevent issues escalating and reduce the number of formal complaints we receive.
Legally, all schools, Academies and Trusts must have a complaints policy which deals with the handling of complaints from the parents of pupils. This policy is for the express use of parents of pupils.
For a copy of our Complaints Procedure, please click the above link for all Education and Trust policies.
If you would like to request a copy of any of our policies and procedures, please contact the main Academy office or email admin@nottinghamacademy.org for the Greenwood Campus.