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Regular attendance is essential to effective learning. When pupils/students are not in school they are deprived of the educational opportunities which the Academy provides and they are at greater risk of becoming socially excluded and disadvantaged. The Academy has a whole-school culture relating to the importance of attendance and provides a welcoming and caring environment where all members of the Academy feel secure and valued.

The Academy is committed to working with parents/carers, pupils/students and external agencies to identify, minimise and ultimately eliminate barriers to ensure that good attendance and punctuality is achieved by all.

To report an absence

Call 0115 7483380 option 1

  • It is the parents’ responsibility to contact the school on every day that their child is absent.
  • If the authenticity of the illness is in doubt or the child is a persistent absentee, the school may ask parents to provide medical evidence, such as a doctor’s note, appointment card or other appropriate form of evidence.
  • If Nottingham Academy is not satisfied about the authenticity of an illness, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and parents will be notified of this.
  • If Nottingham Academy has not been notified of the reason for absence the Attendance Officer will make contact by either text or phone call
  • Nottingham Academy will make a home visit after three days of not being able to make contact, or sooner if deemed at risk or vulnerable. They may also leave a card to inform the parents that they have made a home visit and require information as to why the child has been absent.

Core Attendance Team:

  • Attendance Champion (Deputy Principal): Nicky Brown
  • Attendance Officer (Years 9, 10 and 11): Karen Winfield
  • Attendance Officer (Years 7, 8 and 6th form) Michelle Bradshaw

Unavoidable Absence

Absences that are considered unavoidable will be authorised by Nottingham Academy. These include:

  • Genuine illness unless your child is classed as a Persistent Absentee - please see Is My Child to Ill for school (NHS guidance)
  • Attending a religious festival or ceremony with family
  • A medical or dental appointment that could not be made outside of school hours
  • Being in the hospital or having hospital treatment
  • Attending a funeral with family
  • Attending an interview for a job or a place at a college
  • Taking part in a public performance or an examination

Unauthorised absence

Absences that are considered avoidable will not be authorised by Nottingham Academy. These include:

  • Trivial illness
  • Looking after the house or waiting for workmen/deliveries etc
  • Being on holiday – Penalty Notice may be issued
  • Looking after brothers or sisters, including dropping them off at school or nursery
  • Helping with housework or a family business
  • Being unhappy or not getting on with others at school
  • Being up late the night before, including for family problems

A student is classed as a Persistent Absentee if attendance falls below 90%. This is equivalent to 19 days of absence in an academic year.

Nottingham Academy will work with students and their parents when attendance starts to become a concern to identify issues and offer support.