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Curriculum Intent

At Nottingham Academy, our Mathematics curriculum aims to provide high-quality education for all students, ensuring inclusivity and opportunities for success. Our approach supports students to know more, remember more, and therefore be able to do more, fostering fluent mathematicians skilled in reasoning and problem-solving.

Our curriculum follows the national curriculum and employs a spiral approach at Key Stage 3, allowing students to revisit and retain concepts, with a strong emphasis on developing deep conceptual understanding. At Key Stage 4, we support students in making connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency and competence in solving complex problems.

We prioritise clear teaching, modelling mathematical techniques, and encouraging precise use of mathematical language. Retrieval practice is integral, with activities embedded at each key stage to deepen understanding and retention. Our curriculum plan is flexible, varying to meet the ability levels and knowledge acquisition of our students, ensuring tailored support and challenge.

We emphasise the development of essential skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork, crucial for both academic success and numeracy for life. Celebrating student success through our reward system, we recognise resilience, engagement, and commitment, aligning with our core values.

Adaptations for students with SEND needs include differentiated instruction and tailored resources. We utilise visual aids, interactive activities, and technology to enhance understanding and engagement. Regular assessments and personalised feedback ensure all students excel and thrive in Mathematics.


The Learning Journey

Key Contacts

For further information about Mathematics please contact:

Faculty Lead

Ms J Smith