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We value ourselves, others, and our community, embracing kindness, care, and diversity


We strive to achieve our best, set ambitious goals, and support each other's success.


We take pride in who we are, our achievements, and being part of our school and community

Student Voice

The views of our pupils throughout the age range at the Academy are very important to us. It is essential that their views are listened to and acted upon.

Student Voice elections are held at the start of the year. Pupils can nominate themselves or someone they believe would represent the year group well. After all of the votes are counted, a group of 10-15 pupils form the Student Voice forum for each year group. An example of their role would be to collect ideas for charity events and for how pupils wish to be rewarded for their progress and attendance. They also play a huge part in promoting and helping run year group events throughout the year and provide valid responses to any changes within the Academy

We strongly believe that part of our role is to educate and train students to present their views and also to be accountable for any decisions they make. The Student Voice forum meets twice a term with their respective Head of Year: agendas are issued, a pupils chairs the meeting and minutes are taken to record action needed. These action points are then reviewed at the next meeting.

Representatives from the forum also form the Student Interview Panel when appointing Middle and Senior Leaders. Through this involvement, pupils gain an invaluable understanding of how professional meetings are run and the process of interviews.

Head Boy and Head Girl

Each of the secondary sites within the Academy also has a Head Boy and Head Girl. In the summer term, Year 10 pupils are invited to apply for the prestigious position for the forthcoming academic year. Pupils submit letters in support of their application and are then shortlisted to the final candidates who undergo a gruelling interview process!

The successful candidates become Academy ambassadors for a variety of visits as well as sharing best practice with other Head boys and girls in other Academies. They are present at parents’ evenings, deliver assemblies to all year groups and attend Student Voice meetings and so are fully aware of the needs of our pupils.

The Head Boy and Girl also complete a training program, delivered by Experian, to increase their ability to communicate with a wide variety of people and environments.

Young Leaders

As well as placing a high value on academic success, we recognise our pupils need to develop a range other skills to succeed in Higher Education and employment . Our Young Leaders programme provides an opportunity for pupils to develop these qualities and be recognised for doing so.

The qualities we promote and help our pupils aspire to are remembered by the mnemonic: I Can Do It

In detail they are:

  • Inspirational You have led and inspired others through what you do and say.
  • Communicator You have communicated your ideas effectively.
  • Adaptable You have been flexible and shown that you can take a different approach where that is necessary.
  • Noble You have shown that you can make the right moral choices. You have been helpful and supportive.
  • Determined You have shown tenacity and the ability to stick at things even when it is difficult.
  • Organised You have shown the ability to organise yourself including setting targets and achieving them.
  • Imaginative You have thought of new and interesting approaches to things.
  • Team Player You have shown the ability to co-operate with others to achieve a common purpose.

Pupils record when they have engaged in activities that develop one of the qualities and are rewarded for completing 'full sets'.